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Holiday Club

We aim to provide a consistently high quality provision that the children enjoy attending,  where parents have confidence that their children are having fun in a friendly and safe environment. We offer the children a wide range of activities as well as having space and the opportunity to use quiet areas to relax and read.

2023 -2024 dates 

Holiday Dates
Half term October 16th - 27th
Christmas December 20th - 22nd
Half term February 12th - 16th
Easter April 2nd - 12th 
Half term May 27th - 31st
Summer July 22nd - August 16th 




We run a fun-packed programme led by our very experienced team of teachers, play workers and sports coaches from within the Connect Academy Trust.  There is a daily timetable for every club session, and as well as our theme of the week, the children also take part in role play activities, painting and cooking, water and sand play and are able to make their own projects using the facilities in the media suite and media suite. 

We aim to get the children moving out in the fresh air whenever the weather allows and there is also a fun packed programme of physical activities.  We also have access to the fantastic facilities which the school has to offer, such as the gym, fields, outdoor activities in the woodland and adventure playgrounds. 


Club Format

The holiday club operates during school holidays and is open from 8.00 a.m until 6.00 p.m, Monday to Friday.  We offer whole day sessions (8 a.m - 6 p.m) or half day sessions AM 8.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. / PM 1.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.

The club is only open to children who attend one of the Crofton Schools (Junior/Infants/Cubs).

The cost of the club is £40.00 per day, £20.00 per half day per child.

We accept all childcare vouchers and Government Tax-Free Childcare account payments for the Breakfast, After School & Holiday Clubs.

Payments can also be made via the Arbor Parent Portal.

Food is NOT provided, so you should send your child in with a packed lunch and healthy snack(s) if they are attending for the whole day. Please remember that the Holiday Club is a nut-free environment.



Bookings are made via your child's Arbor account.

Please be aware, once a provisional booking has been made it is charged for regardless of attendance.


Crofton Holiday Club Bookings

Complete the registration form (linked via the image below).  Once your account has been set up, bookings are made via Arbor, using an online parent portal or app. 

May and summer