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Year 3 Homework

Year 4 Homework

Year 5 Homework

Year 5 Homework         Set: 8.07.24


Please read on your own or with an adult at least three times a week for twenty minutes. Either you or your parent can write in your reading record, but remember to ask an adult to sign your reading record every time you read. Your teacher will check these weekly.




Children should complete Times Table Rock Stars or Doodle Maths for ten minutes three times per week. If you look at your childs heat mat on TTRS (which can also be accessed by logging in to your child’s account> Stats> Fluency) it will tell you what tables your child will need support with.



We will no longer be doing spelling tests within school. Instead we will all be learning and practising a new spelling rule each week within school and at home. If they are unsure of the meaning of a word, please encourage them to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word.


This week’s spelling rule is ie being adjacent to each other. Please practise these following words at home on Doodle spell to support our learning within school.





Foreign (exception to the rule)


Next week


Literacy –  Continue explanation text writing

Numeracy – Time





Year 6 Homework