Year 6

Y6 2324


Termly newsletters

Year 6 Summer News


Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! We have a busy and exciting summer term planned.

This term we will be focusing upon WW2 for our History topic. We will also be talking about ‘Moving On’. The subjects covered include History, Geography, Literacy, ICT, Art and Music.


We are working with specialist teachers from BYMT to provide children with some outstanding music teaching.  The children will take part in a rolling programme consisting of whole class music technology where they will learn to play the keyboard.  The objective is to provide a continuum of study, giving students the opportunity to further develop their musical skills. If children are taking part in music technology this term, please can they bring headphones that have the aux/headphone style connection,  in order to be compatible with school devices.

Children will also be learning to play the samba. They will learn to read notation through a range of musical instruments, learning basic techniques, getting a good sound from the instrument as well as maintaining the correct pitch. Each class will get an opportunity for these activities. Please see the Autumn term timetable for your child’s class below:





6O and 6F

Music Tech

6C and 6R



All children in year 6 will still have P.E on a Tuesday afternoon, this will be taught by Munchkin coaches. Please can all children come in to school in their PE kits every Tuesday. Jewellery causes us concern from time to time and we would like to ensure that children do not wear rings, necklaces etc., small studs are acceptable but must be removed for P.E. Now the warm weather is upon us, can we please ensure that children have water bottles in school for PE and hats if necessary.  Please also remember a spare pair of shoes so the children can change if the field is muddy.

Your child will also have an additional P.E lesson so should also come into School in their P.E kit on the following day:




6C, 6R, 6O, 6F


6T, 6N









Reading- Children are still expected to be reading at home at least 4 times a week for at least 20 minutes, and this should be signed in their reading record. This can be with an adult or independently.

Spelling- Children will be given weekly spellings on ‘Doodle Spell’. Children’s password is the same as Doodle Maths. Children should complete the weekly assignment on doodle spell, which will replace the written homework and spelling test. We will be covering these words during our spelling lessons.

Literacy homework/CGP homework- This can be found on the homework sheet and is due on the following Monday.

DoodleMaths - These are not compulsory as homework but children can still complete whenever they wish.


Dates for the Diary

First day back – Monday 15th April

Bank Holiday – Monday 6th May

SATs – Monday 13th – Thursday 16th May

Charity Week – w/c 20th May

TfL workshop – 20th May

NSPCC workshop – 21st May

Half term – 25th May – 2nd June

Leavers Party - Thursday 11th July

Y6 Residential - Sunday 14th July - Wednesday 17th July


End of Year Activities

Please check your emails for further information about what events we will be running for our Year 6 leavers. You will receive further information about this nearer the time. 


We are keen to continue to promote high standards both in the classroom and around school. We are delighted to see that the majority of pupils are wearing the correct school uniform. Can we remind you that all school policies, including the uniform policy, are available on the school website.

Finally, we are hoping that the warmer weather will be upon us! Please can you ensure (if necessary) that your child has a sunhat, cream and plenty of water to drink during the day. We are looking forward to all these activities and learning in Year 6.

Thank you for your support this year.

Many thanks,

Mrs Beal and the Year 6 team


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Knowledge organisers

Curriculum Overview