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Happy Half Term

13th Oct 2023

Dear parents and carers, 

It hardly seems like 5 minutes since we started back at school, and here we are in October breaking up for half term already. We appreciate school life is busy so here is a quick reminder of the PTA diary for the coming months:


Oct -         AFS Christmas card project (details to follow)

Nov 2nd - Fireworks event 

       13th - PTA Annual General meeting, 7pm in the Junior School staffroom

       24th - PTA Wreath workshop

Dec 7th -  Year 3 disco (details to follow soon)

              -  Jingle Bell Jog (details to follow soon)


Tickets for PTA events (currently fireworks evening and wreath workshop) can be purchased: www.pta-events.co.uk/croftonpta

Also a polite reminder that volunteers are still needed for fireworks night, If you are able to help please sign up: https://volunteersignup.org/PJME7.

Lastly, a quick thank you to everyone for their donations today, we have raised £391 and have lots of chocolate to run the ever popular chocolate tombola at the fireworks event. 

We hope those year 4 families attending the family disco tonight have a great time, and wish you all the best for an enjoyable half term.

Kind regards, 



Crofton Junior School PTA Chair